Keno Table Guide

Look at the web page and find jednoręki bandyta za darmo bez logowania owoce  from each of our casino. Constrained offer! Your entire dreams may perhaps come true having Many all of the contemporary casino delays to suit your needs! Casino and online games offer a wide variety of ways in which the player may select his numbers. He may choose single numbers, or groups of them, and even bet them in a variety of ways. The player, who seeks to vary his play, should understand that it does not matter whether he bets a straight ticket, a way ticket, a combination ticket, a king ticket, a house ticket, or any other type, he is not really increasing his chances of winning. It is simply more challenging or entertaining to vary his picks.


The Reverse Side of the Keno Card – The Keno Numbers

During play, the twenty winning numbers are determined randomly by a casino employee who operates the Keno goose, a device so-called because of its resemblance to the big familiar bird. The goose, which is filled with eighty Ping-Pong balls numbered from 1-80, is used to mix and select the winning Keno numbers.

The goose may be a rotating, spherical, mesh-wire cage, or a more modern clear plastic globe with two identical transparent necks, called rabbit ears. The mesh-wire cage is rotated to mix the numbered Ping-Pong balls, while in the modern, clear plastic version, the numbers are blown around by an air blower.

When the clear plastic goose is in use, the balls are forced one at a time, from the globe into the two narrow, transparent necks. A total of twenty of the numbered Ping-Pong balls, ten per rabbit ear, are selected each game, and are removed from the goose one at a time. Numbers are either called by a caller, as in Bingo, or simply displayed on an electronic Keno board or video monitor.

The Basic Play

No casino game is more informal, relaxing and simple to play. The player may select one or more numbers, up to a total of ten, individually, or in various combinations. He makes his choices according to his personal taste, and at his own pace. He need not rush because a new game starts about every five minutes, or so. He simply marks his selected Keno number(s), called spots, with an X, or fills in the little rectangular box, or he groups several numbers by separating them with lines or circles. And it all takes place in the comfortable setting of a Keno lounge found in most live casinos.

The Wager

As mentioned earlier, Keno players bet on numbers singly, or up to ten at one time, or in various combinations. When the player is ready to bet, he simply has to signal a Keno runner, who will pick up his ticket and his wager. The runner will deliver these to the Keno writer, another casino employee, at the Keno counter, and then return with the player’s receipt for the impending game. Again, it’s a process that is completely free of hassles, or anything resembling work.

The Payout

The player’s payout for a win depends on three significant factors, i.e., the amount he wagers, the total number of picks he makes, and the number of matching numbers he catches. That is, the more he wagers, and the fewer numbers he selects, and the more hits, or catches he gets, the greater his potential payout. The payouts for each kind of winning number(s), or combination(s) are generally printed on the reverse side of the Keno card, as shown in our sample tables above.

The ultimate appeal of the game of Keno, for most players, is the tempting prospect of winning a gigantic payoff, of possibly $100,000.00, for a relatively small bet. At the same time, although it is true that a player can catch a really big one, odds tend to favor the house between 20-25 percent.

Also, the payout from casino to casino varies. Current statistics indicate the player may expect a return on his bet, from as little as 67.39 percent, to as high as 96.54 percent, depending on the software in use. It, therefore, pays to study the machines in use.

The Limits

The minimum and maximum bets vary from casino to casino. However, the minimum Keno wager is generally $1.00 per game, while the maximum is generally set at $10.00. The player may be limited to a maximum Bonus wager, as well.

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